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Writer's pictureDanny Layan

The Heart of Bribri Land and the Cradle of the Heroic Rebellion

Sulàyöm: Cradle of Bribri Cultures and Birth of National Hero Pablo Presbere

In the ancient Bribri worldview, Sulàyöm is more than a geographical place, it is the epicenter of creation. Here, Sibö̀, the main deity, planted the sacred ditsö̀ (corn) seeds that gave rise to the Bribris and other tribes. This site, located in the Talamanca mountain range and called Suràyum by the indigenous people, is considered the link between the earth, the living, and the gods.

Tierra Indigena de Costa Rica, Bribris (Authentic Bribri Experiences in Costa Rica)
Lari tierra indigena

Sulàyöm, located in Alto Lari, Alta Talamanca, within La Amistad International Park, is a sacred place of deep spiritual significance. Here, pregnant women enter into connection with Sulá, becoming the "basket of life", bearers of the "immortal seed of the wìkör", the ancestral spirit. This place is the point where the three cosmic levels converge: that of the living, that of the dead, and that of the gods.

In addition to its spiritual importance, Sulàyöm is the birthplace of Costa Rica's national hero, Pablo Presbere, also known as Pabrú "King of the Lapas". Presbere was one of the strongest figures in the struggle of the indigenous people against the Spanish crown in the sacred town of Bribri. This enclave in the Talamanca mountain range is a window to the magical and spiritual past of the Bribri, connecting us with their rich history and worldview.

indigena bribri de Costa Rica
indigenas, tierra sagrada

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